Welcome at minilacci.com, the official online shop of miniLACCI. All items on sale at minilacci.com are distributed by CREATIVA sas.

Trademarks, logos and other distinguishing marks of any kind, used in the website pages, bolong to their respective owners. 
The use of tredemarks, logos and or other distinctive marks by unauthorized third parties, including their reproduction on other websites, is prohibited.
The contents of the website (texts, graphic design, images and animations) are protected by the author right; therefore, any form of reproduction of the images and their publication without written authorization of CREATIVA sas is prohibited.

For any purchase of products through the website the following shall apply: 


1.1. The term “Site” is the minilacci.com website, dedicated to sell “miniLACCI” product.

1.2. The term “Customer” refers to the subject (either physical or juridical person) making a purchase from the Site according to the general sale conditions. 

1.3. “CREATIVA” is CREATIVA sas di Derton Davide & C. 31030 ALTIVOLE ITALY P.IVA 04781600269

1.4. “Order” is the request form of the goods on sale, completed by the Customer on the Website.

1.5. The term “Products” refers to the goods on sale on the Site, according to the General Sale Conditions.

1.6. The term “Customized Products” refers to the goods that are customized at the Customer’s request.

1.7. “Price” is the amount due in order to purchase the items.

1.8. “Contract” is the Distance Contract whose object is the sale of products, according to the General Sale Conditions. 

1.9. “Parties” are CREATIVA and the Customer.


2.1. The products are sold according to terms and conditions of the contract published on the Site at the time of order.
2.2. In order to make a purchase, Customer has to follow these manners:

  • I) select the product and click “Add to Cart”: this will display the summary of the main characteristics of the selected product and the data of the total amount due, including delivery charges (with the exception of any customs duty, where required) and taxes;
  • II) click “proceed to the checkout” and complete the request form (“Order”), specifying the payment method chosen; the Customer, before proceeding to the next step, is required to check the correctness of the entered data, whose veracity is responsible;
  • III) inspect these General contract conditions by clicking on the related button and accept them by clicking on the box next to the wording “I accept the terms and conditions af sale”;
  • IV) click “buy”: this will highlight, in compliance with the law, that the forwarding of the order constitutes an obligation to pay items that you are going to buy.

2.3. Following that, the Customer will receive a order confirmation in which will contain the main characteristics of the ordered products, the price of each of them, related taxes, delivery charges, the payment method chosen and will be indicated the existence of the right of withdrawal as stated at article 8, that can be exercisable where applicable contractual conditions.
2.4. The contract of sale is finalized and binding upon the parties when CREATIVA send order confirmation to the Customer to the email address which he/she indicated on the registration to the Site.
2.5. The contract will be filed with the right of the Customer to have access through
2.6. The creation and the delivery of personalized products that are on sale on the Site is subordinate to a specific request by the Customer, to be expressed following the instructions on the Site itself. The payment in advance is required to purchase such products and the right to withdraw from the purchase contract does not apply.
2.7. The contract could be made in English language as well as in Italian language.


3.1. The delivery of the items to the delivery address indicated by the Customer in the order is carried out by means of an express courier.
3.2. Delivery time of products: 24-48 h for Italy, 48-72 h for Europe, 3 o more working days for non-EU countries, after 24 hours from date of receipt the order by CREATIVA. The delivery dates indicated on the site are merely approximate and not binding for CREATIVA. In any case the delivery will be within thirty days from the date on which the sale contract was concluded, at the latest.
3.3. In case of non-delivery of goods by the agreed deadline that is within thirty days, the Customer must invite CREATIVA to delivery within an extra time appropriate to the circumstances and if this additional time period has expired without the goods being delivered, the Customer will have the right to terminate the Contract.
3.4. In case of unavailability of one or more products, occurred later order confirmation, CREATIVA will inform the Customer by e-mail, except for remaining products ordered by the Customer himself that will anyway be shipped. In that case the contract will remain valid only for effectively shipped products and the Customer couldn’t refuse partial delivery or the payment of effectively deliveried goods, either he won’t have the right to obtain compensations or reimbursements, but only to receive the refund of the price corresponding to the unavailable product or products, where already paid.


4.1. For purchasing on store.palermocalcio.it, it is not mandatory to register on website. Anyway, the user can choose to make the registration: it is free, fast and does not imply any purchase obligation.
At the first order, the user will be automatically registered and he will receive a generic password. It will be able to be changed immediately through the link shown in the confirmation e-mail. The customer is responsible for providing complete, correct and true data relative to personal information, personal address and, in general terms, all other information useful to execute the order.
4.2. The customer is required to keep copy of purchase confirmation sent by minilacci.com to the e-mail address specified by the customer during registration on the website.


5.1. The prices are expressed in the Euro currency (€) and include that varies according to the different article typologies.
5.2. The resulting total price at the end of the purchase procedure is inclusive of transport charges, but does not include custom duties and possible additional charges on the sale price, necessary in order to import goods in a foreign country. Any supplementary charges relative to clearance procedures shall be paid exclusively by the recipient..
5.3. Payment will have to be in full:

  • – at the time of placing the order, for advance payment with credit card or PayPal
  • – bank transfer


6.1. Nel caso in cui il contratto non possa avere esecuzione, neppure in parte, per indisponibilità della merce o per altra causa di forza maggiore, CREATIVA né darà comunicazione via mail al Cliente entro trenta giorni a decorrere dal giorno della trasmissione dell’ordine e sarà liberata da ogni sua obbligazione, salvo il rimborso delle somme eventualmente già da quest’ultimo corrisposte.


7.1. Il contratto non conferisce al Cliente alcun diritto su marchi, loghi e altri segni distintivi di vario genere presenti nel sito, né sui relativi contenuti.


9.1. Nell’eventualità in cui il Cliente ravvisi un difetto di conformità del prodotto, e sia un consumatore, lo stesso ha facoltà di chiederne la riparazione o la sostituzione senza spese, ove possibili e non eccessivamente onerose, e qualora queste non siano possibili ovvero risulterebbero eccessivamente onerose, può chiedere una congrua riduzione del prezzo o la risoluzione del contratto. La risoluzione del contratto è peraltro esclusa in caso di difetti di conformità di lieve entità.
9.2. A seguito della denuncia CREATIVA provvederà in un congruo termine al ritiro del prodotto presso il Cliente e, previa verifica della sussistenza della difformità, alla sostituzione dello stesso ovvero, ricorrendone i presupposti, al rimborso parziale o integrale del prezzo; è comunque facoltà di CREATIVA proporre rimedi alternativi disponibili, come, a titolo di esempio, la sostituzione del prodotto con altro di diversa natura ma valore equivalente, scelto tra quelli esposti nel sito, ovvero il rilascio di un buono di valore corrispondente all’importo pagato, da utilizzare successivamente contattando il Servizio Clienti; nel caso in cui il Cliente accetti, CREATIVA provvederà ad eseguire la prestazione rimediale specificamente proposta.

Art. 10 – PRIVACY

10.1. I dati comunicati dal Cliente necessari all’esecuzione del contratto sono trattati in conformità alle disposizioni del D. Lgs. 2003 n. 196 in materia di Protezione dei dati personali. Per ulteriori informazioni il Cliente può consultare la sezione Privacy del presente sito.


11.1. Tutte le comunicazioni tra le parti dovranno essere effettuate per iscritto e inviate all’indirizzo dell’altra parte indicato, per CREATIVA, nelle presenti condizioni di contratto e, per il Cliente, nell’ordine dallo stesso inviato.
11.2. Si intendono validamente inviate per iscritto anche le comunicazioni trasmesse all’indirizzo di posta elettronica dell’altra parte, come sopra individuato.


12.1. Le parti, stipulando il contratto a’ sensi del precedente art. 2, convengono che lo stesso è disciplinato dalla legge italiana e sottoposto alla giurisdizione italiana, e che è espressamente esclusa l’applicazione ad esso della Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui Contratti per la Vendita Internazionale di Beni.
12.2. Per ogni controversia concernente la validità, esecuzione o interpretazione del contratto ed i relativi effetti sarà competente: a) il Foro del luogo di residenza o domicilio del Cliente, se il Cliente è un consumatore ed è residente o domiciliato in Italia; b) in via esclusiva il Foro di Milano, in ogni altro caso.

  • Nessun prodotto nel carrello.